Refugee Week 2017 Performance at V&A

Come enjoy performances and open workshops lead by Play for Progress as part of the V&A's Refugee Week; a UK-wide programme of arts, cultural and educational events and activities that celebrates the contribution of refugees to the UK and promotes better understanding of why people seek sanctuary. 

Join in a workshop led by Play for Progress, a London-based charity that delivers therapeutic and educational music programmes for children impacted by conflict. Explore your own possibilities in music, work with the team, and meet some of PFP's outstanding students to better understand the nature of connection through music.

Come to the Globe space to hear works written by Play for Progress tutors and arranged specifically for their pupils, unaccompanied child refugees and asylum seekers, that feature the multi-cultural nature of the PFP family. 


October AIA with the Old Hat Jazz Band


Outing with OFA